Passing ships

Having a baby is a wonderful, life changing event and is tough going, you get warned of how it can effect your relationship and put a strain on it but you don't really understand how until you're in the mix of it. Recently my husband and I realised what trap we'd fallen into, we'd thrown…

Granny returns

Having family that live across the world isn't easy, we all miss each other and although we FaceTime and have family WhatsApp groups to share pictures and videos of the goings on of our little ones, it just doesn't always cut it. The build up to visits is filled with excitement and the hellos being…

Me time.

10 weeks in and I finally bit the bullet and did it! I ventured out on my own without Baby P, don't worry she wasn't left unattended, I asked her to stay home and babysit her father! Partly due to breastfeeding I'd not yet left her but also mainly because it put the fear of…

It’s the best thing.

My little one is currently nestled under my chin, milk drunk and snoozing after waking from her slumber teary and upset with that classic newborn cry of hers. Everything had come at once, she'd given me a present in her nappy which woke her and she was hungry but also not ready to wake from…